There are two paths to submit entertainment reimbursements depending on the type of reimbursement it is.

For payment to a vendor directly, please contact Laura Leachman or Jennifer Mathews.

How should I Submit?

Event DescriptionUGA OneSourceUGA Foundation
Graduate Student Lunch with seminar speakers
Faculty meals with seminar speakers or job candidates
Graduate student orientation, Recruitment, and GSS
Faculty Retreat
Non-student focused receptions (following seminars, etc.) and events
Welcome Back Event & Spring Fling
Graduations (Fall & Spring)
Any event with alcohol
Conference or workshop where UGA collected registration fee

Note: While exceedingly rare, if you have a grant which allows for entertainment reimbursements (i.e. a grant to hold a conference, etc) the reimbursements will route through the “UGA OneSource” method. Your grant budget must be previously approved by your agency and SPA before incurring expenses.

Submission Guides for Entertainment Reimbursements